Map of the archaeological sites of the Lensky region of Yakutia: new materials and updates to the existing list

Карта археологических памятников Ленского района Якутии: новые материалы и уточнения к существующему списку
Map of the archaeological sites of the Lensky region of Yakutia: new materials and updates to the existing list
Статья в журнале
Библиогр.: с. 18-20 (41 назв.)
Якутия; Ленский район; Лена, река; Витим, река; Пеледуй, река; Нюя, река; Джерба, река; стоянки; писаницы; палеолит; мезолит; неолит; палеометалл; Yakutia; Lensky district; Lena, river; Vitim, river; Peleduy, river; Nyuya, river; Djerba, river; Jampa, river; archaeological sites ; petroglyphs ; sanctuaries ; paleolithic ; mesolithic ; neolithic; paleometal
История. Исторические науки / Археология
Северо-Восточный гуманитарный вестник. – 2017. – N 2 (19) (С. 10-20)
The article sums up the results of the archaeological studies of the Lensky district of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia The great contribution to the archaeological study of the region was made by the Lenskaya Historical and Archaeological Expedition, the Prilenskaya archaeological expedition of the Yakutsk Branch SB AS USSR, the archaeological expedition of the Yakutsk State University and the archaeological expedition of the Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North of the SB RAS. As a result of many years of works, about 50 various archaeological objects (sites, burials, petroglyphs, sanctuaries) of various chronological ranges from the Paleolithic to ethnographic modernity were discovered here. All objects of archeology are confined to the banks of the rivers Lena, Vitim, Peleduy, Nuya, Djerba, Jampa. Industrial development of the South-West of the Republic, associated with the development of the oil and gas complex, creates prospects for intensifying of archaeological research in the region.
Дьяконов, В. М. Карта археологических памятников Ленского района Якутии: новые материалы и уточнения к существующему списку / В. М. Дьяконов // Северо-Восточный гуманитарный вестник. — 2017. — N 2 (19). — С. 10-20.
- Краеведение. Археология. География. Биографии. История > Историческая наука. Историография > Археология,
- Краеведение. Археология. География. Биографии. История > Историческая наука. Историография > История Якутии > Древняя Якутия,
- iYakutia > Древняя Якутия.
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