Клиническая характеристика способов блокады нижнего луночкового нерва
Статья в журнале
Библиогр.: с.105-106 (32 назв.)
нижний луночковый нерв; мандибулярная анестезия; вне- и внутриротовые методы; верхнечелюстная артерия; эффективность и безопасность обезболивания; lower alveolar nerve; mandibular anesthesia; extra - and intra oral methods; maxillary artery; efficiency and safety of anesthesia
Медицина и здравоохранение / Стоматология и челюстно-лицевая хирургия
Якутский медицинский журнал. – 2019. – N 4 (68) (С. 103-106)
The review presents the methods of blockade of the lower hole of the nerve, used in the provision of therapeutic and preventive dental care. Moreover, the proposed methods have various technological features depending on the purpose of the medical intervention, which are associated with the anatomical and topographic landmarks of the maxillofacial region. Meanwhile, the various anatomical and topographic landmarks for blockade of nerves of the third branch of the trigeminal nerve are difficult to remember and require some experience and skill from a specialist, which creates certain difficulties. The above dictates the need for further improvement of methods of mandibular anesthesia in order to simplify the technique of performing anesthesia as much as possible, which will increase the safety and analgesic effect, as well as their wider implementation in dental practice.
Клиническая характеристика способов блокады нижнего луночкового нерва / И. Д. Ушницкий, А. А. Чахов, М. М. Винокуров, И. Л. Саввина, С. Г. Мелоян // Якутский медицинский журнал. — 2019. — N 4 (68). — С. 103-106.
DOI: 10.25789/YMJ.2019.68.29
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