Severed head of large wolf found perfectly preserved in Siberian permafrost 40,000 years after it died: [with comments of the head of mammoth fauna studies at the Yakutia academy of sciences Dr Albert Protopopov]
Cockburn Harry, Кокбэрн Гарри

Severed head of large wolf found perfectly preserved in Siberian permafrost 40,000 years after it died: [with comments of the head of mammoth fauna studies at the Yakutia academy of sciences Dr Albert Protopopov]


2019 : [новостной сайт]

О находке в вечной мерзлоте 40 000-летней головы волка, с комментариями руководителя отдела по изучению мамонтовой фауны Академии наук Республики Саха (Якутия) Альберта Протопопова

Cockburn, Harry.
Severed head of large wolf found perfectly preserved in Siberian permafrost 40,000 years after it died : [with comments of the head of mammoth fauna studies at the Yakutia academy of sciences Dr Albert Protopopov] / Harry Cockburn // : [новостной сайт]. - 2019. - 12 June. URL: [18+]. -

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