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Количество страниц: 8 с.

In the given work perspectives of combined modification of polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) by fluoroplastic F-4MB in a combination with nanospinel magnesium for the purpose of reception of new cold-resistant polymeric composite materials the tribotechnical appointments with improved deformation-strength characteristics for the oil and gas equipment is shown.

Okhlopkova, A. A. Working out polymeric nanocomposites the tribotechnical appointments for the oil and gas equipment / A. A. Okhlopkova, P. N. Petrova, O. V. Gogoleva // Нефтегазовое дело. - 2009, N 2. - С. 24.


Количество страниц: 10 с.

We have studied the process of artificial methane hydrates obtaining in static conditions from distilled and "secondary" water (prepared by the decomposition of methane hydrate), as well as the additional metal surface using inside of cameras. It was found dependence from the type of the liquid phase and the presence/absence of additional metal surface inside the camera; in the same initial conditions of temperature and pressure, it can be obtained samples with different degrees of transformation of the "water-gas" to hydrate and various crystalline morphology.

Semenov, M. E. Study of the methane hydrates obtaining process in static conditions / M. E. Semenov, E. Yu. Shitz // Нефтегазовое дело. - 2012, N 5. - С. 466-474.


Количество страниц: 3 с.

In the accompanying Papers 1 and 2 was fulfilled timing of the 20.11.05 super-storm. Were detected 4 various types of the magnetospheric disturbances observable at southward IMF, and presented a new model of the field-aligned currents density spatial distribution in the polar ionosphere. In this paper are described the ionospheric convection systems, characteristic for the above various types. Are mentioned the mesoscale spatial inhomogeneities, which are observed more or less regularly but have not been mentioned in the past literature.

Dynamics of the Ionospheric Convection Systems Observed during The Super-Storm on Nov. 20, 2003 / M. Foerster, V. M. Mishin, T. I. Saifudinova, A. D. Bazarzhapov, L. A. Sapronova, V. P. Golovkov, P. Stauning, J. Watermann, and S. I. Solovyev // Solar Extreme Events Fundamental Science and Applied Aspects Nor-Amberd, Armenia 26-30 September 2005 : proceedings of the Second International Symposium / edited by A. Chilingarian and G. Karapetyan. − Erevan : Cosmic Ray Division, Alikhanyan Physics Institute, 2006. − P. 83-85.


Количество страниц: 4 с.

Spatial distribution in the polar ionosphere of field-aligned currents density is studied by using data of the events on 20.11.03. Observable distributions are described in terms of three Regions of Iijima and Potemra, with taken into account in each Region of three types of spatial inhomogeneities. These inhomogeneitie were overlooked earlier. Dynamics of classical substorm current wedge SCW1, and the "current wedges" SCW2 and SCW3, both creating a polarization and amplification of the westward auroral electrojet, are described.

Dynamics of the Field-Aligned Current Systems Observed during The Super-Storm on Nov. 20, 2003 / V. M. Mishin, M. Foerster, T. I. Saifudinova, A. D. Bazarzhapov, L. A. Sapronova, V. P. Golovkov, P. Stauning, J. Watermann, and S. I. Solovyev // Solar Extreme Events Fundamental Science and Applied Aspects Nor-Amberd, Armenia 26-30 September 2005 : proceedings of the Second International Symposium / edited by A. Chilingarian and G. Karapetyan. − Erevan : Cosmic Ray Division, Alikhanyan Physics Institute, 2006. − P. 79-82.