Healthy nutrition politics in the Republic Sakha (Yakutia)

Политика в области здорового питания населения Республики Саха (Якутия)
Healthy nutrition politics in the Republic Sakha (Yakutia)
Статья в журнале
политика здорового питания; здоровое питание; экстремальные условия; фундаментальные основы; региональные аспекты; оптимизация питания; Центры здоровья; нутрициология; диетология; профилактика; качество и безопасность пищи; инновации; пищевые биотехнологии; функциональное питание; мониторинг; policy of healthy food; extreme conditions; fundamental bases; regional aspects; food optimization; Health centers; nutritiology; dietology; prevention; quality and safety of food; innovation; food biotechnologies; functional alimentation; monitoring
Медицина и здравоохранение
Якутский медицинский журнал. – 2015. – N 3 (51)
С. 6-9
Якутский медицинский журнал
Якутск, Сахаполиграфиздат
1813-1905 (print), 2312-1017 (online)
РИНЦ 2017: 0,107
The generalized materials of the priority directions of a state policy in the field of healthy food of the population in extreme conditions of the North are presented in article; results of epidemiological, hygienic and clinical trials. Questions of quality and safety of food, maintaining food and innovative policy in the region, development of modern food technologies and creation of new types of food of a functional purpose are considered. Regional aspects of optimization of food structure of various groups of the population, including pregnant women and nursing mothers, children and adolescents, youth and adult population with various nutritional and dietary requirements are shown. The leading role of the Centers of health and offices of healthy food in formation among the population of skills and feeding culture and prevention of the diseases connected with food violation is defined. Mechanisms of creation of effective information system in the field of monitoring of food, promotion and promoting of ideas of healthy food are offered.
Политика в области здорового питания населения Республики Саха (Якутия) / В. А. Тутельян, А. В. Горохов, Е. И. Михайлова, Л. Н. Владимиров, М. П. Лебедев, М. Е. Игнатьева, У. М. Лебедева, К. М. Степанов // Якутский медицинский журнал. — 2015. — N 3 (51). — С. 6-9.
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