Resource potential of Siberia (Northern region) in the international interaction

Dobretsov Nickolay L.,
Kontorovich A. E. ,
Zadorozhny Vasiliy M.
Resource potential of Siberia (Northern region) in the international interaction
Dordrecht a.o.
7 с.
Management, technology and human resources policy in the Arctic (The North)
Ресурсный потенциал Сибири (Северного региона) в международном взаимодействии
Dobretsov, Nickolay L.
Resource potential of Siberia (Northern region)
in the international interaction : [] / Nickolay
Dobretsov, A. E. Kontorovich, Vasiliy M.
Zadorozhny. - Ресурсный потенциал Сибири. -
Dordrecht ; Boston ; London, 1996. - C. 313-319.
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