Место работы автора, адрес/электронная почта: Арктический государственный агротехнологический университет ; 677008, г. Якутск, ш. Сергеляхское, 3/3 ; https://agatu.ru/
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Количество страниц: 13 с.
Grain drying is a broad subject when one considers all grains and the various locations and conditions under which they are cultivated and dried. In recent decades improvements in cereal yield and the introduction of crops, such as oil seed rape, have caused many farmers to consider increasing the capacity of grain drying systems. Basically, grain conditioning and safe storage relates largely to the removal of moisture. It has been found that for high-temperature drying, mixed flow driers with convective and continuous drying outlets with cross-movement of grain flow and drying agent are the most promising type of drying equipment. It has been determined that one of the important problems in plant growing remains the reduction of fossil fuel consumption, primarily liquid fuel, for drying grain. A stable trend has been identified, both in high-temperature and aeration dryers, to use combustion units with a heat exchanger, which eliminates contamination of grain with fuel combustion products. Particularly relevant issues in both drying systems are the growing use of alternative energy sourcesto replace fossil fuels. A comparative analysis of high-temperature and aeration grain drying reflects the general trend in world grain drying practice, expressed in the spread of both drying systems, which can be effectively used in combination with each other.
Аммосов, И. Н. Сравнительный анализ высокотемпературной иаэрационной сушки зерна / И. Н. Аммосов, Ю. Ж. Дондоков, В. М. Дринча ; Арктический государственный агротехнологический университет // Вестник АГАТУ. - 2024. - N 3 (15). - С. 31-43.
Количество страниц: 12 с.
The negative adverse effects of intensive agricultural production on food safety and the environment are presented. It has been substantiated that the use of microbial inoculants in plant growing is a viable alternative to traditional industrial technologies based on the use of agrochemicals such as pesticides, inorganic fertilizers, herbicides, etc. and leading to destructive effects on human health due to the consumption of unsafe food. The classification of microbial inoculants for seed treatment according to functional characteristics has been developed. It has been established that in the seed treatment with biological preparations, the most common method is treatment with microbial inoculants containing nodule bacteria. The list of biopreparations used in practice for plant protection is presented, as well as the main characteristics of methods for applying them to seed. It has been determined that the technological effectiveness of seed treatment with microbial inoculants depends on many factors that ensure the survival of microorganisms during seed processing and storage, the dominant ones being the formulation of the inoculant, as well as its ability to multiply in the spermosphere, infect the root system, and in some cases, the rhizosphere of plants.
Микробная инокуляция семян для повышения безопасности и устойчивости растениеводств / Ю. Ж. Дондоков, В. М. Дринча, А. З. Платонова [и др.] ; Арктический государственный агротехнологический университет // Вестник АГАТУ. - 2024. - N 2 (14). - C. 46-57.
Количество страниц: 14 с.
The results of studies of the physical properties of agricultural seeds over the past 100 years are summarized. Three periods of research have been identified: the first - the beginning of the 20th century before the Second World War; the second - from the Second World War to the 1990s; third - early 2000s to present. The relation is shown between conducting research on the physical properties of seeds and developing technologies for post-harvest processing and seed preparation. It is shown that the physical properties of seeds represent the starting points and are fundamental in the design of machines and technological processes for sowing, harvesting, post-harvest processing and pre-sowing preparation of seeds. The physical properties of seeds that can be used in seed separators have been determined: dimensional characteristics, shape, density, surface condition, ability to float to the surface of a liquid or fluidized layer, color, elasticity, electrical conductivity, chlorophyll fluorescence. The size characteristics of agricultural seeds are generalized. crops, as well as weed seeds. The features of seed separation by thickness, width and length are described. It is shown that in the process of separation according to different characteristics, the shape of the grains has a significant influence on the process. It has been established that further development of seed preparation technologies based on existing knowledge about the physical properties of seeds is ineffective. To develop technologies for the preparation of new generation seeds, it is necessary to conduct systematic research using seed materials in various soil and climatic zones of countries.
Физические свойства семян и разработка технологий их подготовки / Ю. Ж. Дондоков, Ш. Т. Юсупов, М. В. Дринча, И. Н. Аммосов ; Арктический государственный агротехнологический университет // Вестник АГАТУ. - 2024. - N 1 (13). - C. 14-27.
Количество страниц: 10 с.
An analysis of modern technologies for pneumatic grain separation is provided. The necessity of increasing the efficiency of pneumatic separation of grain at all stages of its production, starting from the grain combine and ending with the operations of preparing grain for grinding, is substantiated. The main structural and technological reasons for the low efficiency of pneumatic separating systems have been identified. A method for determining the terminal velocity of grain in a portioned pneumatic classifier is presented. The process of pneumatic classification of seeds of cereals that have undergone full-flow seed processing technology has been studied. The basic physical laws for determining the speed of terminal velocity of grain in an ascending vertical air flow are substantiated. It has been established that seed material that has passed through the seed processing production line varies in terminal velocity.
Проблемы и перспективы совершенствования процессов пневмосепарации зерна / В. М. Дринча, Ю. Ж. Дондоков, И. Н. Аммосов [и др.] ; Арктический государственный агротехнологический университет // Вестник АГАТУ. - 2023. - N 4 (12). - C. 92-101.
Количество страниц: 12 с.
Особенности предпосевной обработки семян с применением микробных препаратов / В. М. Дринча, Ю. Ж. Дондоков, А. З. Платонова [и др.] ; ФГБОУ ВО "Арктический государственный агротехнологический университет", Арктический государственный агротехнологический университет, Октемский филилал // Вестник АГАТУ. - 2023. - N 3 (11). - C. 16-27.
Количество страниц: 8 с.
Технологические и организационные аспекты безопасного хранения семян / И. Н. Аммосов, Ю. Ж. Дондоков, В. М. Дринча [и др.] ; Арктический государственный агротехнологический университет // Вестник АГАТУ. - 2023. - N 2 (10). - C. 31-38.
Количество страниц: 6 с.
- Прикладные науки. Медицина. Ветеринария. Техника. Сельское хозяйство > Жилищно-коммунальное хозяйство. Домоводство. Бытовое обслуживание,
- Прикладные науки. Медицина. Ветеринария. Техника. Сельское хозяйство > Химическая технология. Химическая промышленность. Родственные отрасли,
- НАУКА ЯКУТИИ > ПРИКЛАДНЫЕ НАУКИ. МЕДИЦИНА. ТЕХНИКА. СЕЛЬСКОЕ ХОЗЯЙСТВО > Жилищно-коммунальное хозяйство. Домоводство. Бытовое обслуживание,
- НАУКА ЯКУТИИ > ПРИКЛАДНЫЕ НАУКИ. МЕДИЦИНА. ТЕХНИКА. СЕЛЬСКОЕ ХОЗЯЙСТВО > Химическая технология. Химическая промышленность. Родственные отрасли.
Антипов, А. В. Разработка оборудования для сублимационной сушки с использованием естественного холода в Республике Саха (Якутия) / А. В. Антипов, Г. П. Власенко, Ю. Ж. Дондоков ; Международная Академия холода, ООО "Холодильные Системы машиностроение", Московский энергетический институт, Арктический государственный агротехнологический университет // Вестник АГАТУ. - 2022. - N 4 (8). - C. 43-48.
Количество страниц: 10 с.
Аммосов, И. Н. Развитие микрофлоры хранимого зерна и ее подавление в процессе хранения / И. Н. Аммосов, Ю. Ж. Дондоков, В. М. Дринча ; Арктический государственный агротехнологический университет // Вестник АГАТУ. - 2022. - N 3 (7). - C. 45-54.
Количество страниц: 7 с.
Аммосов, И. Н. Влияние аэрации на сохранность зерна / И. Н. Аммосов, Ю. Ж. Дондоков, В. М. Дринча ; Арктический государственный агротехнологический университет // Вестник АГАТУ. - 2022. - N 1 (5). - C. 53-59.