Микробная инокуляция семян для повышения безопасности и устойчивости растениеводства = Microbial inoculation of seed for increasing safety and sustainability of crop production
Статья в журнале
семена; агрохимикаты; пестициды; защита растений; безопасность продуктов питания; устойчивость с.-х. производства; предпосевная подготовки семян; инокуляция семян; микробная обработка семян; азотфиксация; биозащита растений; seed; agrochemicals; pesticides; crop protection ; food safety; sustainability of agricultural production; presowing seed treatment; seed inoculation; microbial seed treatment; nitrogen fixation; crop bioprotection
Сельское и лесное хозяйство / Механизация и электрификация сельского хозяйства
The negative adverse effects of intensive agricultural production on food safety and the environment are presented. It has been substantiated that the use of microbial inoculants in plant growing is a viable alternative to traditional industrial technologies based on the use of agrochemicals such as pesticides, inorganic fertilizers, herbicides, etc. and leading to destructive effects on human health due to the consumption of unsafe food. The classification of microbial inoculants for seed treatment according to functional characteristics has been developed. It has been established that in the seed treatment with biological preparations, the most common method is treatment with microbial inoculants containing nodule bacteria. The list of biopreparations used in practice for plant protection is presented, as well as the main characteristics of methods for applying them to seed. It has been determined that the technological effectiveness of seed treatment with microbial inoculants depends on many factors that ensure the survival of microorganisms during seed processing and storage, the dominant ones being the formulation of the inoculant, as well as its ability to multiply in the spermosphere, infect the root system, and in some cases, the rhizosphere of plants.
Микробная инокуляция семян для повышения безопасности и устойчивости растениеводств / Ю. Ж. Дондоков, В. М. Дринча, А. З. Платонова [и др.] ; Арктический государственный агротехнологический университет // Вестник АГАТУ. - 2024. - N 2 (14). - C. 46-57.
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