Текстологический аспект работ В. Ф. Трощанского по верованиям якутов в контексте исследования материалов Сибиряковской (якутской) экспедиции = The textological aspect of Troschansky's workson Sakha beliefs in the context of the materials of the Sibiryakov (Yakut region) expedition
Статья в журнале
821.161.1Трощанский.09; 256(=512.157)
научные труды по верованиям якутов; шаманизм; Сибиряковская (якутская) экспедиция ВСО РГО; текст; источники; текстология; scientific works on Sakha beliefs; shamanism; Sibiryakov (Yakut region) expedition; text; sources; textology
This article is devoted to the study of Vasily Troshchansky's works on Sakha beliefs in the context of researching the materials of the Sibiryakov (Yakut region) expedition. The relevance of the research lies in the study of Troschansky's scholarly works "The Evolution of the Black Faith (Shamanism) of the Yakuts" (1902), "The Experience of a Systematic Programme for the Study of Pre-Christian Beliefs of the Yakuts" (1897) in the textological aspect and directions of conceptual provisions concerning the beliefs of the Sakha people. The aim of the study is to reveal the textological parameters of Troschansky's works as fundamental works on Yakut beliefs, where the author's angles of studying Yakut life acquire special signicance. The theoretical directions of textology as a branch of philology are the methodological basis of the research. The work chooses cultural, hermeneutic methods in comparative-typological analysis of texts, sources, documents. The study emphasises the scientic context of the research undertaken by Troschansky, which is underlined by the words of the enlightener, one of the founders of Yakut literature Alexei Kulakovsky. The study of Yakut beliefs in comparative contexts with the culture and beliefs of other Turkic and Mongolian peoples, as well as the broad context of lexical and semantic studies of religious terminology of the Yakut language adds to the fundamental nature of the research.
Руфова, Е. С. Текстологический аспект работ В. Ф. Трощанского по верованиям якутов в контексте исследования материалов Сибиряковской (якутской) экспедиции / Е. С. Руфова, А. А. Афанасьева ; Северо-Восточный федеральный университет им. М. К. Аммосова // Вестник Северо-Восточного федерального университета им. М. К. Аммосова. Серия "Вопросы национальных литератур". - 2024, N 2 (14). - С. 81-88. - DOI: 10.25587/2782-6635-2024-2-81-88
DOI: 10.25587/2782-6635-2024-2-81-88
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