К вопросу о монгольских заимствованиях в якутской лексике (на материале названий пушных животных) = On the issue of Mongolic borrowings in Yakut vocabulary (based on the names of fur-bearing animals)
Статья в журнале
монголизмы в якутском языке; бурятизмы в якутском языке; монгольские заимствования; языковые контакты; этнолингвистические связи; историческая лексикология; лексические заимствования; семантическая адаптация; зоонимы в якутском языке; названия пушных животных; Mongolic borrowings in the Yakut language; Buryatisms in the Yakut language; Mongolicborrowings; language contacts; ethnolinguistic connection; historical lexicology; lexical borrowings; semantic adaptation; zoonyms in the Yakut language; names of fur-bearing animals
This article presents a linguistic analysis of Mongolic borrowings in the Yakut language, using the names of fur-bearing animals as a case study. The relevance of this research stems from the need to document and describe one of the less-studied areas of Yakut vocabulary - Mongolic borrowings in the names of fur-bearing animals. This study plays a crucial role in preserving the unique lexical heritage that reflects historical and cultural contacts between the Yakuts and Mongolic-speaking peoples. The aim of the work is to identify and systematise Mongolic borrowings in the domain of fur-bearing animal names and to explore their linguistic and cultural significance within the Yakut language. Tasks include reviewing existing scientific literature, collecting and classifying lexical items, and conducting etymological research. Analysing Mongolic borrowings in the names of fur-bearing animals will reveal features that help understand the evolution of linguistic interactions and the formation of the contemporary linguistic landscape of Yakutia. The article employs methods of semantic, etymological, and comparative-historical analysis. The results of the study demonstrate that Mongolic borrowings hold a significant place in Yakut vocabulary. The research identifies specific morphological and phonetic changes that occurred during the adaptation of Mongolic words into Yakut. Special attention is given to the analysis of semantic changes, including the preservation of original meanings, the use of euphemisms, metaphorical transfers, and semantic adaptation. These aspects reflect deep cultural and linguistic interactions between the Yakuts and Mongolic-speaking ethnic groups. The findings contribute to a broader understanding of lexical borrowing processes and deepen the comprehension of language interactions between different ethnic groups.
Турантаева, Н. В. К вопросу о монгольских заимствованиях в якутской лексике (на материале названий пушных животных) / Н. В. Турантаева, Н. В. Малышева ; Северо-Восточный федеральный университет им. М. К. Аммосова // Вестник Северо-Восточного федерального университета им. М. К. Аммосова. - 2024. - Т. 21, N 3 (97). - С. 159-172. - DOI: 10.25587/2222-5404-2024-21-3-159-172
DOI: 10.25587/2222-5404-2024-21-3-159-172
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