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Количество страниц: 14 с.
The article presents the results of the study by various geologists of the geological structure and prospects of ore-bearing trog complexes performing structures such as throgs, which were identi ed at di erent stages of geological research in the western part of theAldan-Stanovy shield. The main types of traction complexes and their sections were determined. The nature of the occurrence of sedimentary (terrigenous), volcanogenic- sedimentary and metavolcanic rocks performing throgs and forming throg complexes was established. The nature of the ratio of these rocks in the context of the trog complex in the studied trogs was described. The results of the study of trog complexes showed that they are generally characterized by facies variability, heterogeneity of metamorphism and dynamothermal processing of rocks (especially in the sides of trogs) with the formation of mylonites and cataclasites. It was established that the throgs are con ned to three regional systems of discontinuous disturbances. Both consonantal and secant discontinuities were marked inside the throgs, de ning their block tectonics. The results of determining the geological age of the rocks of the trogovoi complex were presented. The trog structures are characterized by ore mineralization associated with the processes of sedimentation (ferruginous quartzites, copper sandstones) and volcanogenic ore formation (copper-crusted and polymetallic mineralization), as well as with the processes of metamorphogenic-hydrothermal redistribution of ore matter (stratiform scheelite mineralization, ore-bearing quartz veins). It was also found that the metallogeny of the trog structures has not been studied su ciently. Nevertheless, the majority of geologists who studied the trogovye complexes noted in their reports that Precambrian trogovye complexes can be considered as important and metallogenically promising geological objects in the western part of the Aldan-Stanovy Shield and deserve more in-depth study.
Пуляев, Н. А. Геологическое строение и металлогения докембрийских троговых структур Западной части Алдано-Станового щита / Н. А. Пуляев ; Северо-Восточный федеральный университет им. М. К. Аммосова, Геологоразведочный факультет // Вестник Северо-Восточного федерального университета им. М. К. Аммосова. Серия: "Наука о земле" - 2024. - N 1 (33). - C. 39-52. - DOI: 10.25587/2587-8751-2024-1-39-52
DOI: 10.25587/2587-8751-2024-1-39-52
Количество страниц: 20 с.
A complex comparative study of diamonds from commercially productive diatremes of Daldyn- Alakitsky eld (Udachnaya, Zarnitsa) determined mineral typomorphic features, which allows diagnosing dispersion haloes of kimberlite material in sedimentary thick layers. By the set of typomorphic features, diamonds from Udachnaya pipe have many common features with crystals of other deposits of Daldyn-Alakitsky diamondiferous region. Increased content of variety II and III cubes, close by their features to diamonds from deep inclusions of eclogites, may be referred as inherent only to the Udachnaya pipe features. Zarnitsa pipe demonstarted pronounced prevalence of rhombic dodecahedral habit crystals of variety 1 with large concentration (> 30 %) of typically rounded diamonds. On the whole, diamonds of Daldyn eld are characterized by a complex of typomorphic features, which allow distinguishing them from diatremes of other diamondiferous regions of the Siberian platform with con dence.
Зинчук, Н. Н. Сравнительные особенности алмазов из кимберлитовых месторождений северной части Сибирской платформы / Н. Н.Зинчук, Л. Д. Бардухинов ; Академия наук Республики Саха (Якутия), Западно-Якутский научный центр // Вестник Северо-Восточного федерального университета им. М. К. Аммосова. Серия: "Наука о земле". - 2024. - N 1 (33). - C. 11-30. - DOI: 10.25587/2587-8751-2024-1-11-30
DOI: 10.25587/2587-8751-2024-1-11-30
Количество страниц: 6 с.
Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is a natural focal viral infection that occurs with high fever and intoxication. It is characterized by damage to the gray matter of the brain and/or the membranes of the brain and spinal cord, with the development of meningitis, meningoencephalitis or encephalomyelitis. The disease can result in persistent neurological and psychiatric conditions, and even death. The carriers of tick-borne encephalitis are ixodid taiga ticks. This type of tick is especially proactive in the spring and summer, endangering adults and children. Infectioning of a person occurs after a tick bite. The causative agent of tick-borne encephalitis is a neurotropic, RNA-containing virus. Tick-borne encephalitis is characterized by increasing neurological symptoms. The symptoms after an encephalitis tick attack are very varied. There are 5 main forms of tick-borne encephalitis: febrile, meningeal, meningoencephalitic (occurs in 15 % of the country as a whole, and twice as often in the Russian Far East). To diagnose with tick-borne encephalitis, it is necessary to take into account clinical manifestations (damage to the central nervous system), epidemiological data (time of the year, presence of vaccination, fact of a tick bite) and laboratory methods of specific diagnosis. The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is not an endemic region for the spread of TBE. However, in recent years due to climate change, the number of ticks and bites in this area has increased. This article describes a case of TBE in a 6-year-old child. The disease was extremely severe and resulted in death. Despite the fact that TBE is an extremely rare pathology in our republic, screening for this pathology must be carried out during the tick season.
Клинический случай клещевого энцефалита уребенка 6 лет / Дмитриева Т. Г., Степанова О. С., Кожухова Ж. В. [и др.] ; Северо-Восточный федеральный университет им. М.К. Аммосова, Медицинский институт, ГБУ "Детская клиническая инфекционная больница" // Вестник Северо-Восточного федерального университета им. М. К. Аммосова. Серия "Медицинские науки". - 2024. - N 1 (34). - C. 21-26. - DOI: 10.25587/2587-5590-2024-1-21-26
DOI: 10.25587/2587-5590-2024-1-21-26
Количество страниц: 6 с.
- Прикладные науки. Медицина. Ветеринария. Техника. Сельское хозяйство > Инженерное дело. Техника в целом > Строительство подземных сооружений. Земляные работы,
- Математика. Естественные науки > Общая геология . Метеорология. Климатология. Историческая геология. Стратиграфия. Палеогеография,
- НАУКА ЯКУТИИ > ПРИКЛАДНЫЕ НАУКИ. МЕДИЦИНА. ТЕХНИКА. СЕЛЬСКОЕ ХОЗЯЙСТВО > Инженерное дело. Техника в целом > Строительство подземных сооружений. Земляные работы,
- НАУКА ЯКУТИИ > МАТЕМАТИКА. ЕСТЕСТВЕННЫЕ НАУКИ > Геология. Геологические и геофизические науки.
The large amount of peaty soils on the territory of the Russian Federation, especially in the Arctic zone, necessitates the study of their temperature regime and thermophysical properties. The paper presents the results of an experimental study of the thermal conductivity and amount of unfrozen water in sandy soils with varying degrees of peat content. Experiments were carried out on samples with a damaged structure, which were represented by slightly decomposed peat, medium-grained river sand and their various mixtures. It has been established that the degree of peat content affects such physical values as porosity, thermal conductivity and the amount of unfrozen water. For thawed peaty sandy soils, as the degree of peat content increases, the porosity value increases. For both thawed and frozen peaty sand soils, thermal conductivity decreases with increasing degree of peat content. Moreover, the thermal conductivity for frozen soils are higher than for thawed soils. The amount of unfrozen water also depends on the degree of peat in the soil and decreases as it increases. The measured thermophysical properties of peaty sand soil can be used to model the temperature regime in the area of frozen and thawed peat soils.
Теплофизические свойства торфов и заторфованных песчаных грунтов / Протодьяконова Н. А., Степанов А. В., Тимофеев А. М. [и др.] ; Институт физико-технических проблем Севера им. В. П. Ларионова // Успехи современного естествознания. - 2024. - N 1. - С. 52-57. - DOI: 10.17513/use.38207
DOI: 10.17513/use.38207
Количество страниц: 6 с.
This article contains data on the nature and level of study of the territories in which the north-eastern part of the Sakha Republic is located, which are potentially oil and gas bearing. In 1979-1992, seismic exploration of oil and gas was carried out in the Tastakh trough, the Zyryanka depression by JSC Yakutskgeofizika. The section of the Tastakh trough includes strata of terrigenous rocks of lithological unconstrained composition. Its capacity is 2.5-4.5 kilometers. The paper describes reflecting horizons based on Neogene-Quaternary, Jurassic-Cretaceous deposits. In addition, during the research, it was found that the Lower Cretaceous sediments present in the Tompon depression are divided by the Tomporuk-Kitchan zone of thrust divisions of the Late Cretaceous stage of activation of the Verkhoyano-Kolyma region. Upper Jurassic volcanogenic sedimentary rocks, Lower Cretaceous coal-bearing deposits are contained in the Zyryanka depression at 6 and 5 thousand meters, respectively. This article contains an opportunity for the allocation of time intervals, interpretation of sedimentary synchronous complexes of deflections, depressions, shelf. Seismic materials in these territories have a quality that can be recycled. The evidence of the need for this procedure appears during discussions on the topic of geological development, the structure of the mountain-folded Verkhoyano-Kolyma region, as well as the shelf that adjoins it. These data are confirmation of the presence of oil and gas in these territories. The work was carried out with the scientific equipment of the Center for Collective Use of the Federal research center ҺYakut Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciencesһ under grant No. 13.TsKP.21.0016. Support was received in the form of funds under the State Assignment from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation No. 122011100158-1.
Оболкин, А. П. Анализ сейсморазведочных исследований для оценки нефтегазоносности северо-востока Якутии / Оболкин А. П., Слепцова М. И., Севостьянова Р. Ф. ; Институт проблем нефти и газа // Успехи современного естествознания. - 2023. - N 12. - С. 193-198. - DOI: 0.17513/use.38191
DOI: 10.17513/use.38191
Количество страниц: 8 с.
The northern slope of the Yakut uplift covers the North Aldan oil and gas bearing region and partially the Pre-Verkhoyansk and Vilyui oil and gas bearing regions. The potential oil and gas content of the Northern slope of the Yakut uplift is associated with a wide stratigraphic range of promising sediment complexes (Vendian-Cambrian, Permian-Triassic and Jurassic-Cretaceous). All these complexes have confirmed oil or gas occurrences of varying intensity. Terrigenous-carbonate formations of the Vendian-Cambrian complex are the most promising deposits in terms of oil and gas potential, confined to the lower part of the upper sub-suite of the Yudom formation of the Vendian. A relatively effective fluid seals for the Vendian hydrocarbons can be the variegated formation of the Lower Cambrian, composed of dense mudded-off carbonate rocks. The prospects of Permian-Triassic and Jurassic-Cretaceous sediment complexes will be determined by the absence or presence of zonal and local fluid seals, including non-traditional permafrost hydrate. Thus, several oil and gas complexes of different origin and with different types of fluid seals are identified in the section. A brief overview of the promising oil and gas complexes of the Northern slope of the Yakut uplift emphasizes the need for priority geological exploration for oil and gas. Clarification of geological structure of the studied area will make it possible to identify the most promising zones and sites for planning and organzing exploration work. The work was carried out with financial support within the framework of the State Assignment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation No. 122011100158-1 using scientific equipment of the Center for Collective Use of the Federal research center "Yakut Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences" within the framework of grant No. 13.TsKP.21.0016.
Калинин, А. И. Перспективные нефтегазоносные комплексы на северном склоне Якутского поднятия / Калинин А. И. ; Институт проблем нефти и газа // Успехи современного естествознания. - 2023. - N 12. - С. 185-192. - DOI: 10.17513/use.38190
DOI: 10.17513/use.38190
Количество страниц: 6 с.
The article is devoted to the ecological and geographical assessment of the territory of the republican resource reserve ҺTuostakhһ for tourist and recreational activities, which is located in the Verkhoyansk ulus of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in the river basin. Tuostakh, on an area of 503530.0 hectares. Organized in 1997. During the study of the reserve, a comprehensive analysis of the natural, geomorphological, climatic, plant, animal and other features of the resource reserve was carried out. The regime of use of the reserve is considered, in particular the prohibited and permitted types of activities on their territory. It has been established that tourism activities are partly prohibited, which contradicts visiting the unique natural monuments located in this reserve, and in permitted activities, for example, gathering and fishing are permissible only for the local population, which in some way loses the tourist attractiveness of this area of nature, especially rich in berries, mushrooms and fish. The criteria for environmental sustainability of the reserve’s landscapes were assessed. The overall assessment of environmental sustainability was 9 points, which corresponds to environmentally unsustainable landscapes of protected areas. As a result of the research and assessments, some conclusions were developed on the territorial planning arrangement of the resource reserve, functional zones and their regimes, as well as on the joint coordinated work of state environmental authorities with tourism companies, which are currently operating on the territory of the resource reserve not agreed upon and not organized. Some recommendations are given when planning tourism in this unique area of nature.
Николаев, А. А. Эколого-географическая оценка ресурсного резервата "Туостах" для туристско-рекреационной деятельности / Николаев А. А. ; Северо-Восточный федеральный университет им. М. К. Аммосова // Успехи современного естествознания. - 2023. - N 12. - С. 140-145. - DOI: 10.17513/use.38184
DOI: 10.17513/use.38184
Количество страниц: 6 с.
The article considers the supporting framework of the territory as the basis for the sustainable development of tourism in specially protected natural areas. The study presents the results of the analysis of scientific literature on the topic under study. During the processing of theoretical materials, the main elements of the supporting framework of the territory were identified. These elements formed the basis for the formation of a single framework of the Belyanka resource reserve (Belyanka RR). The obtained results of field research conducted in the period from 2022 to 2023 became the basis for writing the article. Statistical data on visits to the Belyanka region over the past 6 years were processed, according to the results of which the main goals of visiting the reserve were identified. 3 areas have been identified according to the target areas of economic activity carried out in the visited territories. The main elements of the framework are grouped according to the importance of their influence on the development of the designated areas of the specially protected natural territory of Belyanka. In addition, the article presents the results of the inventory of tourist and recreational resources of the Belyanka region. Thus, the resources were divided into the following groups: objects located in the zone of absolute rest; objects of the zone of traditional nature management; objects of the Lena part and the mountainous part located outside the boundaries of the specially protected natural territory of Belyanka. As a result of the conducted desk and field research, a cartographic diagram of the Belyanka district with a single supporting frame of the Belyanka district territory was compiled.
Егоров, С. С. Определение туристского опорного каркаса особо охраняемой природной территории "Белянка" / Егоров С. С. ; Северо-Восточный федеральный университет им. М. К. Аммосова // Успехи современного естествознания. - 2023. - N 11. - С. 77-82. - DOI: 10.17513/use.38174
DOI: 10.17513/use.38174
Количество страниц: 7 с.
This article considers the capabilities of the ground-penetrating radar (GPR) method in solving engineering geocryological problems at sites of placer mining operations in the permafrost zone. The methodology of conducting GPR measurements in the conditions of an active deposit is presented, taking into account those areas where continuous profiling is difficult. Its peculiarity lies in conducting measurements by angular GPR scanning (AGS) at individual points to assess the geocryological conditions of the rock mass. The features of the GPR wave fields of the geocryological section are considered. Interpretative characteristics are proposed that allow distinguishing signals reflected from the boundaries of frozen-thawed rocks. It has been established that reflection signals from thawed rocks are detected by an increase in their amplitude values and a shift of the central frequency of the spectrum to the low-frequency area compared to the characteristics of signals obtained when probing frozen rock areas. The results of geocryological studies in the Northern part of the Yakutsk diamondiferous province using GPR and drilling methods are presented. In accordance with the proposed interpretation features, wave fields were analyzed, and information from more than ten wells was used to confirm the interpretation: thawed rocks were detected in five wells. Based on the GPR data, a map of thawed rock distribution at depths of 1.5-5.9 m across the study area was constructed using seven profiles. The work was carried out within the framework of the state assignment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (topic No. 0297-2021-0020, of the unified state information system for recording research, development and technological work for civil purposes No. 122011800086-1) and the program of activities of the scientific and educational center “NORTH: Territory of Sustainable Development” for technological project No. 4: “Technologies for efficient and comprehensive extraction of useful components from mineral raw materials” using the equipment of the Center for Collective Use of the Federal research center ҺYakut Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciencesһ, grant No. 13. Center for collective use 21.0016.
Федорова, Л. Л. Определение участков талых пород в многолетнемерзлом массиве по данным георадиолокации / Федорова Л. Л., Куляндин Г. А., Прудецкий Н. Д. ; Институт горного дела Севера им. Н. В. Черского // Успехи современного естествознания. - 2023. - N 11. - С. 192-198. - DOI: 10.17513/use.38163
DOI: 10.17513/use.38163
Количество страниц: 6 с.
The article examines the influence of the Elga Coal Complex (ECC) on the hydrochemical state of surface waters. Open-pit mining of the Elga coal deposit takes place on the watershed of the Mulam and Algoma rivers, which are part of the hydrographic network of the Uchur river. During field work in 2012-2019, water samples for analysis were taken in two areas: on the right tributaries of the Algoma river and Bolshoye Toko Lake. Based on the analysis of selected samples, a new hydrochemical composition of water bodies was identified based on generally accepted methods in the Russian Federation. All samples had exceeded the maximum permissible concentrations for water bodies of fishery importance (MPCf), except for Lake Bolshoye Toko. The identified changes are presumably seasonal. In winter the flow on the tributaries of the Algoma and Mulam completely stops or decreases to vanishingly small values. To identify patterns in the formation of the qualitative state of water bodies in the zone affected by open-pit coal mining in permafrost conditions, further systematic observations are required until the planned production of high-quality coal oriented for export is achieved. The work was carried out within the framework of the state assignment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation No. FWRS-2021-0014.
Изменение гидрохимического состояния поверхностных вод в зоне воздействия Эльгинского угольного комплекса (2012-2019 гг.) / Ноговицын Д. Д., Никулин К. В., Сергеева Л. П. [и др.] ; Институт физико-технических проблем Севера им. В. П. Ларионова // Успехи современного естествознания. - 2023. - N 11. - С. 168-173. - DOI: 10.17513/use.38159
DOI: 10.17513/use.38159