Лексические средства выражения функционально-семантической категории количественности в якутском языке: имена существительные со значением единичности и совокупности = Lexical means of expressing the functional-semantic category of quantity in the Yakut language: nouns with the meaning of singularity and collection
Статья в журнале
якутский язык; функционально-семантическая категория; количественность; лексические средства выражения; имена существительные; единичность; собирательность; часть целого; Yakut language; functional-semantic category; quantity; lexical means of expression; nouns; singularity; collective; part of the whole
Северо-Восточный гуманитарный вестник. – 2018. – 2 (23) (С. 66-71)
In the Yakut language for the systematic study of the functional-semantic category of quantity it is necessary to clarify the issues related to the lexical meaning of nouns, which form a single semantic field of quantity and actively function both in oral and written speech of the people. The article as objects of research presents lexical means of expression of the functional-semantic category of quantity in the Yakut language-nouns denoting single objects of its kind, or a set of discrete objects. These lexemes are of interest to researchers because their lexical meanings are not always fully represented in dictionaries. We assume that this phenomenon may be due to the fact that the functional- semantic category of quantity is presented more diverse in colloquial speech, oral folklore than in fiction or journalism. For example, fixed nouns, which in its direct meaning does not indicate the number, and have a very different lexical meanings, and in combination with a categorizing noun can demonstrate its number. In the spoken Yakut speech, there are also often calculated variants of plurality expressions borrowed from the Russian language, which are not reflected in the explanatory dictionaries. Due to the fact that the idea of an inexact set is often reflected in the names of sets, the article noted their functional variants, found in oral speech.
Иванова, И. Б. Лексические средства выражения функционально-семантической категории количественности в якутском языке: имена существительные со значением единичности и совокупности / И. Б. Иванова ; Институт гуманитарных исследований и проблем малочисленных народов Севера СО РАН // Северо-Восточный гуманитарный вестник. - 2018, N 2 (23). - С. 66-71. - DOI: 10.25693/IGI2218-1644.2018.02.23.008
DOI: 10.25693/IGI2218-1644.2018.02.23.008
- 1. Саввинов Анатолий Иванович. Этнографические материалы А. А. Саввина: одежда и украшения = A. Savvin's ethnographic materials: clothing and jewelry
- 2. Бурнашева Наталия Ивановна. Первый опыт Якутского областного правления по внедрению кредитной кооперации в Якутии (вторая половина XIX века) = The first experience of the Yakut regional government on the introduction credit cooperation in Yakutia (the second half of the XIX century)
- 3. Мостахова Татьяна Семеновна, Пахомов Александр Алексеевич. Этнологическая экспертиза в Республике Саха (Якутия): практика и проблемы = Ethnological expertise in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia): practice and problems
- 4. Иванов Спиридон Алексеевич. Общеякутские и диалектные названия, относящиеся к скотоводству = General and dialect related to cattle breeding
- 5. Харабаева Виктория Ивановна. Микрополе неравенства категории компаративности в якутском языке = The micro-field of inequality of the comparative categories in the Yakut language
- 6. Северо-Восточный гуманитарный вестник, 2018, №2 (23)
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