Звучащие ландшафты Арктики и Субарктики: аспекты музыкального фольклора народов Сибири и Дальнего Востока = Sounding landscapes of the arctic and subarctic: aspects of musical folklore of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East
Статья в журнале
звучащий ландшафт; Арктика; фольклор; звуки природы; интонирование; традиция; обряд; песни; эпос; шаманство; Sounding landscape; Arctic; folklore; sounds of nature; intonation; tradition; ritual; songs; epic; shamanism
The article is devoted to the substantiation of the concept of the sounding landscape, which is new for ethnomusicology and art history. The Arctic is one of the quietest corners on earth, which is attuned to an intonational understanding of nature. This is reflected in the musical folklore of the peoples of the Arctic and Subarctic. The authors distinguish three main layers in the sounding landscape, which differ in their function and intonation. The first layer is the intonational interaction with nature (imitation of the sounds of nature in onomatopoeia and onomatopoeia with the help of the human voice, their interpretation in ritual, song and epic intonation). The second layer is associated with the projection of a person's personality outside, communication with nature in lyrical, epic, ritual genres. The third layer is associated with the creation of special material objects for sound communication with nature (imitation phono instruments, decoys, etc.). The authors interpret the concept of the sounding landscape on the material of the musical folklore of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East (Chukchi, Ude, Yukagir, Evenkis, Sakha, Nganasan). According to the authors of the article, the methodology of studying the sounding landscape of the Arctic and Subarctic allows us to identify and study those aspects of intonation-acoustic culture that were often not in the focus of attention of researchers, but remained "behind the scenes".
Звучащие ландшафты Арктики и Субарктики: аспекты музыкального фольклора народов Сибири и Дальнего Востока / Ю. И. Шейкин, О. Э. Добжанская, Т. И. Игнатьева [и др.] ; Арктический государственный институт культуры и искусств // Российское дальневосточное искусство и мир. Международная научная конференция 2021: материалы конференции, Владивосток, Дальневосточный федеральныйуниверситет 8-9 апреля 2021 года / [редакционная коллегия: Г. В. Алексеева, Н. В. Толстая, Н. А. Федоровская ; рецензенты: Т. В. Краюшкина, Г. Г. Ермак]. - Владивосток : Дальневосточный федеральный университет, 2022. - 1 файл (374 с. ; 19,9 Мб). - С. 322-327.
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